Wednesday 26 October 2011

Photo of the Week

After watching page 1 which captures a year behind the scenes of what is arguable the world's most prestigious paper The New York Times, I thought I would include the following photograph taken by Irish photographer Seams Murphy. The image depicts the wikileaks founder Julian Assange, who is facing heavy legal and political ramifications for exposing thousands of classified United States secrets and documents online for public perusal. Julian Assange and repercussions of his actions have become a massive media phenomenon and the photo evokes the impression of a man who is under intense public and governmental scrutiny and who is the subject of persistent spotlight and inquiry. The blue glow cast over his face heightens the spectacle of the man and the story he embodies, holding the stoic Assange under its eerie and probing gaze. 

Photo: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in London

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