Sunday 2 October 2011

Children Struck by Train

I mention this news story because it bears similarities to the previous post regarding the three children killed in their driveways. A three-year old boy and a four-year old girl were hit by a Ballarat-bound passenger train on Old Western Highway at approximately 11.20 am this morning. Both children suffered serious injuries and were flown to the Royal Children's Hospital. The article mentions that they were believed to have been playing on a nearby property when the accident occurred and my first reaction was - where the hell were their parents? Who lets a three-year old and a four-year run off alone with train tracks close by? But after more information was given about the accident and the area I realise that this wasn't necessarily a case of negligence. Some railways run right behind some houses and young children can be creative escape artists. It only takes a minute or two for something to go wrong and the unfortunate events of this morning are a testament to that.

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