Tuesday 11 October 2011

Photo of the Week

In last week's lecture we addressed the field of investigative journalism and the need for such reporters to get into the thick of it and put the legwork in. It is not enough to just sit behind a computer or at a phone and do your research without leaving your desk. New forms of technology have enabled this laziness and it is certainly possible to write a good story without going into the field, but the great stories require that extra mile. The following photograph was taken by journal photographer Bill Gallagher and won the pulitzer prize. It depicts democratic presidential candidate and Illinois Governor Adlai E. Stevenson, as well as Michigan Governor G. Mennen Williams. Adlai Stevenson's shoes are the focus, worn and weathered, holes forming on the soles, they are evidence of hard work and effort by the candidate himself - not just his political team or staff. 

I also found the following photo of Barak Obama which is clearly an homage to the Adlai Stevenson Photograph and can be seen to embody the same sentiment.

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