Tuesday 1 November 2011

Public Beheading of a Sorcerer

In front of dozens of witnesses, a Sudanese man in a Saudi Arabian car park was beheaded following the guilty verdict of a sorcery trial. Abdul Hamid Bin Moustafa al-Fakki was blindfolded prior to being decapitated by the executioner on September 20. Accused of concocting a spell designed to cause a man to leave his wife, Mr Hamid was arrested by a member of the Mutawa-een or religious police. The Sudanese native was denied legal representation and is the 44th person and the 11th foreign national to be put to death in Saudi Arabia this year.  The event was captured on film and shows the mass gatherings of crowds who watched the event unfold and did nothing.

I find it shocking that such events are still occurring and that superstitious and fear of magic and witchcraft is still a driving factor within communities. The punishment itself is extreme and brutal and the lack of legal rights afforded to the accused demonstrates the utter powerlessness such individuals have.

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